
    Assessment & Development Centres

    About Development & Assessment Center

    People with the right skills make a major contribution to the success of your company. And naturally an organisation wants to gain an insight into the capabilities of present or future employees. Assessment and development centres are an important tool in making an accurate evaluation of your human capital and how best to develop it.

    DC/AC’s represent an emerging and exciting methodology for Management, interested in maximising the benefits of such centres to their organisations and their employees.

    DC/AC helps you identify the ‘high potentials’ and encourage their personal development, regardless of the industry you are in.

    A widely recognized method for identifying behaviour DC/AC’s are used for the purposes of recruitment, selection, promotion and development in the workplace. This method is highly regarded because of its systematic and rigorous process.


    Our DC / AC are a combination of

    • A psychometric assessment
    • In-Basket exercises
    • Role plays
    • Presentations
    • Indoor / Outdoor activities

    The DC / AC closes with a one-on-one feedback.

    Using these assessments, we have been successful in offering end to end solutions to Organisations to enable

    • Hi-Potential identification and development
    • Career transitions
    • Succession Planning
    • Enhancing business results through behavioural transformation