
ARE WE HOBBESIAN ( Culture of Self Interest )?
While every caution has been taken to provide my News Letter readers with most accurate information and honest analysis, please use your discretion before reaching any conclusions, after reading the below. When I came across this article, I found it thought provoking and hence have shared it with you. I have no intent to hurt religious sentiments or our ancient culture or history.

The difference between Nations is not the age of the Nation. This can be demonstrated by countries like India and Egypt which are over 2000 years old and are yet nowhere near some of the rich counties, in terms of wealth.
On the other hand countries like Canada, New Zealand and Australia are much wealthier as compared to the fact that they are less than 200 years old.

In 1923, nine of the wealthiest people in the world met at Chicago ‘s Edgewater Beach Hotel.
Their combined wealth, it is estimated, exceeded the wealth of the Government of the United States at that time.
These men certainly knew how to make a living and accumulate wealth. Attending the meeting were the following men:

One reason dreams never come true is that we don’t have a system in place to work towards them. I would like to encourage you to dream and here are some steps to help you attain them.
What is your dream? Everything begins in the heart and mind. Obviously, your dream has to be an legally attainable one. Every great achievement began in the mind of one person. They dared to dream, to believe that it was possible. “What if?” is the kind of dream you should be dreaming. Think big and don’t settle for average. Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. Dream of the possibilities for yourself, your family, and for others. Don’t let past hurts or disappointments restrain you.

There is no reality, only perception. I’ve heard it said that if you want to change your life then you have to change the way you perceive life. For example, if ten of us are eyewitnesses to an automobile accident and we are asked to recall the details, there would be ten slightly different versions of what happened. What we “see” depends on what filters we have operating in our lives

Leadership Awakening – SELF LEADERSHIP – Part 2
The Ugly Duckling Who Went On to Become a Swan
All of you at some point in your life would have heard this story and in fact shared it with your siblings, children or employees.
I would like to share a real life very recent story of a woman (let us call her Shilpa), who with a little encouragement is today working with an MNC.
I met Shilpa when I was doing a series of trainings for an MNC on Personality Development. Whenever called to give a presentation or talk about something, she used to stammer, fidget, forget what she needed to say. During the breaks, however, whenever we used to chat, I found her to be extremely intelligent and a star performer during her school days.

Leadership Awakening – SELF LEADERSHIP
“Leadership Awakening” will showcase a series of articles, each one highlighting and talking about one quality that people look up to in a leader. Through these series we will also talk about “SELF LEADERSHIP” – how each one of us is a Leader. We dont need to be a Boss to be a Leader!!
After reading the article, we invite your feedback. If you have a story to share on this topic, we would love to hear it.

Though our country got independence on Aug 15th, 1947, are we really free is a question that ponders and crosses all our minds!
We are free to vote and elect our own Government! We are free citizens! We have fundamental right! But does all this really make us free????