
Mindfulness – The Secret to be Present in the Present
Have you ever boarded a bus to go somewhere and arrived at your destination only to realise that you remember nothing about your journey? Or drifted off from a conversation and could not recall what the other person has said? Or you started munching from a packet of chips and suddenly noticed that all you were left with was the empty packet? Most of us have!

Ananavaran- A Journey Into Yourself
Lao-tzu once told his disciple, “he who knows, cannot say. He who says, cannot know“. His disciple then asked him to explain what he meant by that. Lao-tzu said, “have you ever smelled a rose?” The disciple acknowledged that he had. Lao-tzu replied, “Ok, so you know the smell. Now describe it.“

Reaching Out!
Hello, Friends!
We would like to build ahead on our last month’s newsletter on Samwad- reiterating the importance of conversations in our lives.
Today technology has made it possible to reach out and stay connected, with anyone around the world, in any time zone and at any location using, Facetime or Skype or Whatsapp. We have grown closer “virtually” and easily say ‘ you can reach me at any time”. But the question is “are we able to reach out”????

Samwad Creating Conversations!!!
“We have two ears and one mouth and using them in proportion is not a bad idea! “- CEO of Virgin Group.
As the title goes, SAMWAD, essentially has two parts, Sama and Wad. Sama meaning equal and Wad, meaning communication. Thus, the confluence of these two words means – a dialogue between two equals. This involves speaking and listening. Somehow both of which, has become a rare phenomenon today. The result – a society, where we live amidst facades and expose ourselves, to all types of health risks.

Repacking Your Bags- Moving from 2016 to 2017
As we leave 2016 behind and step into the New Year a lot many of us reminisce what the year was and wonder what the next year has in store for us. The thought that crossed my mind today morning, as I was moving through my daily morning chores is that, we all make New Year resolutions, rather than Resolutions. Why not repack the bag of life – discard a few old things, retain a few of them and add something new, as we move on. Just the way we do when we move from one house to another- shift from one year to another, one phase of life to another. This perspective made me so excited that I started thinking what do I want to repack- knowledge, dreams, ambitions, desires, relationships…………

Spiritual Lessons from the Currency Invalidation in India
Change is Sudden
Everybody is concerned about the overnight action making high value currency invalid across India. Nobody saw it coming; or was prepared; or had even any idea of its happening.
But there is something else which we know will surely come, but are not sure when, where and how – that is death. And it will come even more stealthily than this!

Team Building at the Click of a Button!
It was one of the coolest “hands-on” workshop of MHRF! It was total involvement from the word go, with most participants declining to take the 11am tea break!
The enthusiasm and the flurry in the dark room, was exciting!

Spirituality & Stress Management!
Stress is synonymous with our lives today. Everyone, irrespective of the age, stage, position, place or strata are experiencing it, in some form!! What we also hear at times is that some amount of stress is good. But what is that amount or dose and how do you figure out that right amount, is something that we all struggle to understand. So while stress is today an inevitable part of living, the only other aspect that we can consider, is coping with stress.

Get Your Team to Click!
Are you looking for a unique and fun idea for your next team building event? Are you tired of the same events year after year.?Then here’s something new for you- our fun, interactive workshop that uses photography. The best part is that, it is not necessary, for participants to have a knowledge of photography, themselves! All it needs is: a bit of enthusiasm and willingness to experiment with something novel.

Being Succesful!
All of us aspire to be successful. The path to success is most often not simple and is bereft with obstacles/ problems. However, what do successful people do differently, when they face a problem, they look at it from another perspective.
This helps them to come up with great solutions.